Revised March 2018


Valley FM Broadcasters Association Inc. operates the Tuggeranong Valley radio station known as Valley FM. It is a community radio station that relies on the efforts of volunteers to maintain operations and to broadcast local programs particularly for the residents of the Tuggeranong Valley. Valley FM has a Board approved policy regarding the rights and responsibilities of volunteers when attending station activities.

The Volunteer Induction policy and procedure applies specifically to volunteers who elect to be program broadcasters which requires physical attendance in the Valley FM broadcasting studios.

Principles of Best Risk Management Practice for Volunteer Induction

Current best risk management practice requires that new volunteers be inducted into an organisation and be provided with copies of key policy and other documents (including the Valley FM Constitution). Each new broadcaster volunteer is required to access and read the official Station Handbook which contains the current station policies and procedures. The Handbook is located in the studio as well as on the studio computer desktop.

New volunteers who choose to become Valley FM on-air broadcasters are provided with supported induction and training by the Station Manager or delegate. The induction process continues until the Station Manager considers the volunteer proficient to undertaker solo broadcasting. The Station Manager completes the Valley FM volunteer induction checklist to ensure that all items are addressed and retains a copy of the completed and signed checklist for each volunteer trained.

Valley FM Induction Checklist

ItemCompleted (insert P against each item)Follow up required? By when?
Working with Vulnerable People Check if relevant  
Police and/or Google check  
Welcome with station / grounds tour completed  
Completed membership form received. Membership fee paid and receipted.  
Completed and signed remote and swipe card agreements received. Fees paid and receipted.  
Volunteer Agreement Signed (see below)  
Provided VFM history brochure  
Discussed role rights and responsibilities, behaviour expectations and reporting structure.  
Provided hard copy of VFM Station Handbook for read and return  
Handbook read, returned and signed by volunteer indicating knowledge and understanding of policies i.e. at least: PrivacyWorkplace health and safetyOn-air behaviour standards and Codes of Conduct e.g. use of offensive languageComplaintsProgramming  

Completed (insert P against each item)Follow up required? By when?
Studio premises, station facilities and broadcasting equipment accessed.  
Health and safety explanations e.g. emergency procedures, first aid, safety, security and reporting concerns.  
Informed of key contact person and best contact details for concerns, feedback or questions  
Insurance coverage as a volunteer explained  
Training conducted relative to broadcasting and equipment use, workplace behaviour and risk management  
Consent to publish photos / images/ footage on VFM promotional material and /or social media sites e.g. VFM Website, Facebook.  See Appendix A  
Signature of Volunteer:   Date:  
Signature of Training Director:   Date:  

The Board is responsible for the development, implementation, operation and review of this policy. Policy compliance with the policy is also the responsibility of the Station Manager and member presenter trainees.

Legislative Framework
Not applicable

Justice Connect Not-for-profit Law, Checklist: Volunteer Induction (2017)